The work environment
that you've always wanted.

Raya is not only rethinking teleradiological diagnostics. But also the way radiologists work — making it simple, flexible, innovative, and collaborative.

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You are a passionate radiologist...

But topics such as continuous heavy workload, rigid work models, lack of flexibility, lack of reconciliation of work and private life make your day-to-day work difficult? We are convinced that there is a better way!

Frustrierter Büroangestellter, der seinen Kopf aus Verzweiflung auf seinen Schreibtisch gelegt und seinen Laptop aufgeklappt über seinen Kopf gedeckt hat. Auf dem Schreibtisch befinden sich zudem zusammengeknüllte Papierblätter, eine Tasse Kaffee, sowie eine Brille.

Simply straightforward

Whether it's an IT setup or administrative tasks — we'll take care of it. With Raya, you can get started right away and focus entirely on diagnostics. Because for us, the highest quality for our clients and patients is the priority.

Auf dem Gestein einer felsigen Küste sitzt eine Person im Liegestuhl am Gartentisch und arbeitet an einem Laptop. Die Wellen schlagen sanft und leicht schäumend an die Felsen, während man im Hintergrund ein kleines, aufgebautes Zelt ausmachen kann.

Simply flexible

To make your private and professional life compatible, you decide whether you want to work on specific days or at specific times, whether from home or in our office. The choice is yours!

Simply innovative

At Raya, you work with the most innovative workflow and the most advanced equipment in telemedical diagnostics. To support you in your diagnosis in the best possible way!

Eine geschäftige Segelcrew macht sich an Deck eines Segelbootes zu schaffen.

Simply together

You work in a team in which you are never alone: Through our platform, you are always connected with your colleagues for professional exchange — regardless of whether you work at home or in the office.

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Learn more about Raya Diagnostics